Viewpoint hiking

After a day of rest for my legs and a wonderful massage given by Master Soen Thein we gave it one more try. Travel guide recommends a view point and we started around 9 am. Crossed the monastery as mentioned (visited the Buddah image made of bamboo strips) and walked on a road with no signs , we had no map at all, only a short description from the travel guide. Road was made for 4 wheel trucks and some small motor bikes. Way showed always up hill for 1.5 hrs and we were well prepared with a lot of water :) We met some girls from a tribe which has its village here and they were asking for … candies ;) Lucky they coz Mandy still had some Werthers Echte left in the daypack. After approximately 9 km we reached the sign “view point – only 7 mins to go” Great. A friendly Nepali family runs a small restaurant and we got delicious Indian food and massala tea.


The view was breathtaking. An amazing landscape as far as the eyes can see.

Images will follow as soon as the connection is more stable.

At the end we escaped from the rain, had one more Burmese tea and spoiled ourselves with a hot shower. The good news to me was, I made, my muscles worked it out and it’s a pity that it happend to me on the 3 day trek but I have to take it as it is.


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