Well it has been a long time since my last post here. Reason ? Pain. And in that case it´s not what some of you expect when I talk about pain :) After back from vacation my back hurts and my left shoulder too. Doctor said “just a muscle tension, just take some pills and feel well after a while..” Bullshit. I consulted a specialist and he told “may be a disc prolapse… needs to be verified by x-ray and NMRI” So I did and the medical outcome was clear afterwards. It´s a prolapse. Fingers are furry, Trapezius muscle hurts like hell. WTH ? I do sport and exercises, have enough muscles and my back is strong. But this is only half the truth. I sit most of the time in my car, on-site with customers , in a plane… I thought sport brings the balance but it seems I´ve been mistaken about. So what´s now ? How to proceed ? Usually preferred way is to start with a conservative therapy. Painkiller, physiotherapy , thermal treatment. If it´s not better after 6 weeks I should start thinking about an operation. Well it´s the back of the neck and even I find a trustworthy doctor there´ll be a risk at the end. Right now I hope that it comes to a condition without pain and normal movements. Cross fingers. *sigh*
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